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We accept donations!
To support our research through a donation, please use this link.
Under "designation" choose "Wherever needed most" and choose your desired sum, big or small.
VERY IMPORTANT!! On the next page, in the "comments" box, you must specify that the sum is intended for Prof. Nirit Soffer-Dudek's laboratory at the Department of Psychology, and if you wish to donate for a specific topic, you can also mention that there (e.g., for the purpose of Maladaptive Daydreaming research). Please note that the university must have the specific researcher’s name to direct the funds to their desired location.
You will receive a receipt for tax purposes from the university.
The funds will be used for paying study participants, funding open access publishing for scientific articles, supporting students to do research in the field, and any other purposes necessary to promote the research.
Thank you for supporting us!